Transforming Yogi-Bear

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As many of you know, our furry child is named Yogi-Bear – Yogi for short. He also goes by Cry-baby Jones, Bubba, Bubba Louie, Bubbles Magee, etc…..He has THICK, black, curly, wool-like hair that keeps him warm in the winter and practically kills him in the summer. Poor thing gets overheated within seconds out in the sun. Covid has kept us from getting his regular Spring/Summer cut, so he looks like a junk-yard dog – dreadlocks start to form if he doesn’t get a regular brushing.

Several weeks ago, Colorado groomers opened their doors. We immediately called for an appointment, along with the entire city of Boulder. Voicemail boxes were filled for DAYS – they were completely inundated with phone calls and most assuredly overwhelmed by the response from the public. I am sure there were some panicked people out there.

We finally got through and booked an appointment at our favorite groomer, but not until June 2 – UGH – 6 more weeks to go for our overgrown BFF.

I thought I’d share the many sweet faces of Yogi, during this crazy time in our lives. I can’t post about travel, so this is the next best thing. Some day, we’ll look back on all of this and laugh. I hope.

“Good hair days make me feel like I can rule the world!”


The magical day at the groomer has arrived!

He is soooo much happier!! You can tell he feels so much better without 4 inches of Afro on his body.

I just want to hug him to death 💕💕💕

…i choose this…



            1. I did Keto for 2 months and lost 9 pounds. It’s the only thing that has worked. The only bad thing about that is I have cholesteral issues and it’s not quite the most ideal diet. BOO. I’m avoiding statins as long as I can. UGH.

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              1. I exercise…a lot and eat high protein, no help. Trying to change up my exercise routine and add more strength training…hoping more muscle will burn more calories! Plus have to stop the stress baking!!!!!!

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  1. Ok, stop teasing with cute dog photos, I miss the company of four legged animals 🙂 Would you believe I was taunted by a short annoying boy at school who called me “Yogi Bear”, my best friend was called Bobo. I still remember him whispering Yogi bear in school assemblies when we were all supposed to be listening. You guessed it I got told off for talking when telling said teaser to “sh*tup” 🙂 The things I remember!

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      1. Shudders at the thought of the crush 🙂 No we aren’t allowed pets in our apartment building. Which is ok as we don’t want another one. Still miss the company and their quirky ways.

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  2. Well, I actually love man buns (especially on that non-canine guy!), but I have to agree Yogi looks much better with a trim! Even though my pooch will never get that hairy, I am a big fan of doggie haircuts. They look better and (I think) feel better, and I love that they revert to a puppy look with a fresh ‘do.

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    1. Bring the pup when you come over! I am generally not a man-bun fan, but, I thought Yogi wore it better. haha. He does look like a puppy with his new doo. so precious. She cut him really close so you can see his skin, but I swear this is the only way to get him through the summer. They seem to be getting warmer and warmer here. UGH.

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  3. Awww… we were lucky to get in right before the groomer closed. Now that we’re rolling in to warmer days, we need to get our pooch back for another cut. Yogi is so adorable!! 🙂

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