Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #91: Simplicity

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Life sure is simple these days. So simple, I have no clue what day it is. It’s like Groundhog Day to some extent…wake up, make coffee, work, walk the dog, eat dinner, play games, watch TV, go to bed. Day after day. Sometimes in the same outfit 24 hrs a day. Sometimes in my flannel pajamas with cats drinking martinis.

When I think about simplicity I think of life as a kid. The way we are living now, is how I lived life growing up in the 70’s and 80’s – finding creative ways to stay busy, feeling bored and trapped every now and again, but also doing a lot of FUN stuff. Here is my take on simplicity! Thanks Patti at Pilot Fish for this weeks photo challenge.

We have built probably 4 or 5 puzzles now. Our supply is running low and either we spend $40 per puzzle on Amazon, or we take what is left on the shelf at Walmart or Target. Like this interesting selection below. This is generally not our style of puzzle, but we have been watching the Tiger King on Netflix, so it almost seems fitting. If you haven’t seen it, and you want to watch a train wreck, this show is for you.

Today, we dragged out the bikes to explore the trails around our house and do a little grocery shopping.

Every time I ride a bike, it makes me think of the time my British friend Amelia rode bikes together when we were in 4th grade. We were pedaling as fast as our little stick legs could go down a fairly steep hill.

It was all fun and games until she slowed down right in front of me causing me to slam on the brakes. Before I knew it, I flew over my handlebars and slid down a black top paved road. The skin on my elbows and knees peeled right off. Yeah, my mom practically bathed me in Mercurochrome. Wasn’t that stuff banned for fear of mercury poisoning?

We left the grocery store with a tasty soda (don’t give me flack, we are experiencing hard times!) and a favorite dessert. Betty C, Sean and I have become really good friends over the past 3 weeks.

Saturday, we went on a hike with the pooch. It was the first day of warm weather and sun in a long time and the first hike in 3 weeks. We explored a new trail and practiced social distancing. This wasn’t too hard because there weren’t that many people on the trail. It felt so good to be outside – some place other than our backyard. The views of a local snow-capped peak were incredible.

Our fish are coming out of their winter hibernation so to speak. They are hungry. Daily fish feeding time is always a joy. Pretty sure they are all bigger than last year – except Jimmy McGill, he seems to stay the same size (little one with the yellow head).

We got lucky Sunday! The sun was out and it was full on patio weather. We played 6 games of cribbage and 2 rounds of backgammon. Yep, I think I won 2 games out of all that. Lots of trash talking to go with those wins and losses!

And last but not least. The icing on the cake in all of this craziness, is being home for this one. He’s getting all kinds of exercise, love and treats. He found a fetch ball the other night and before we knew it, ate half of it. He is loving having both his parents around – or so we like to think.

Overall, life is still really good even with all the chaos in the world. Sean and I are finding solace in the simple things in life and that feels good.

…i choose this…



  1. Simplicity is my word of the year so I like this post because of that. I agree that how we’re living these days reminds me of the ’70s & ’80s. I also want to say that in the last two days yours is the second photo I’ve seen of a bottle of Orange Crush. Is this some kind of retro trend? I haven’t drunk one since the ’80s!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is funny about the Orange Crush! It seemed fitting after a bike ride in the hot sun. I buy them every now and then, though not often! We have moments of anxiety with this lifestyle, but we are mostly enjoying the down time. I am realizing though, I need to shower more frequently and try to wear ‘real’ clothes. lol.

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  2. Thanks for recommending Tiger King. We need a new series and love a good train wreck. Glad you are keeping your mind and body fit through this time. Luckily Yogi will keep you from staying indoors full-time. And a little fudge cake and orange crush never hurt anyone. We still use mercurochrome on board Amandla. It contains mercury in a disodium salt form which is considered to be perfectly safe.

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    1. Figures, we Americans are paranoid about everything!! Yes on the Tiger King….So much good material there. There are some animal parts that aren’t so great, but the rest of it is unbelievable. I hope you are well and that the captain didn’t have any friends or family impacted with health issues. hugs Lisa!

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  3. You seem to be faring pretty well in your Groundhog Day scenario. And now we know what retirees (we’ll, some retirees) face each day and why they stay in pj’s so long. You mentioned a word I haven’t heard in years: mercurochrome! You make me smile. And that’s one of the best compliments I can offer!!

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  4. Excellent account on life in the times of C-19. FWIW I did a header on a steep paved road when I was a kid. Just one of my many 19 lives I’m working through. A lot of road rash, was all.

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  5. The trail looked beautiful! I would love to go for a long walk outside. The last couple of days the weather was beautiful in London. We thought we would go to the park, but a lot of other people had the same idea. Glad to read you are all well and filling your time with simple pleasures.

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    1. Thanks Agnes – we feel pretty lucky. Some of the trails have been really packed – this one was pretty quiet. Its a long drive from our house, but worth it. That is one thing about living in a big city – Not a whole lot of open space to share. Denver is closing down some major streets to allow for people to get outside safely. Not sure how it’s working out. We will all be wearing masks over here soon. Stay safe over there. Hugs.

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  6. Orange Crush and Betty C. Brownies … you’re talking my language 😋 Personally, I’m on a KitKat binge. We’re getting out for walks regularly and fortunately have amazing weather right now to do so. We need to immerse and enjoy this simplistic life these days because this too shall pass!

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    1. Oh, kitkats are pretty delish too. If I get started on those, I don’t stop. Kind of like the brownies. Glad you all are having some good weather to get out and about. The photos in your posts have been gorg. We of course, cancelled our visit to AZ this weekend. Thats a bummer, but a very small price to pay for everything going on these days. sigh.

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  7. Gorgeous family member, the dog I am talking about 🙂 I was out biking the other day and thought the same that deserted streets reminded me of biking in the seventies on the weekend. Everyone was home doing chores or on their bikes, avoiding them!

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  8. Ahhh, I see I’m not the only one passing the time with puzzles! Four or five you say? I have some catching up to do, as I’ve only completed two and started on a third one. Race ya! 🙂

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  9. You’ve got an orange theme going with the Crush, the tigers on the show and in the puzzle, the pillows, the fish … Anyway, I love all of the stuff you are doing at home (except for watching The Tiger King – can’t do it), and maybe that’s because we are doing all that stuff, too – and mostly enjoying it. Jeff is NOT enjoying his work, but he’s become calmer at least. I’m finishing up a big puzzle now; wish we could easily trade! The simple life is making me pretty content right now … let’s see how long it all lasts! Miss having you here in town!

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    1. Ha! I didn’t notice, but its true! But the Tiger King has so much material in it. So much, they are doing a second season. I don’t love the animal parts so much, but the people parts. oh my. LOL. We could be doing social distance runs AND trading puzzles :-). I miss seeing you too. I just bought some new markers – going to color with those puppies this week. Hope the rents and kids are doing ok too. Anyhoo, hugs to you and Jeff.

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  10. This puzzle is priceless!!!
    I’m happy for you you manage to see the silver lining in all this.
    I’m jealous you’re still allowed to go walking for the day. We can’t go further than 3/4 miles away from our house!!!!
    Stay safe 😉

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  11. There is definitely some level of feeling like Groundhog Day!! I’m still working on puzzle #1. It’s a canal and bike scene from Amsterdam. That was our first overseas trip so I thought they’d get excited and join in, but nope, it’s all me. I’m almost finished. I did manage to get two other puzzles from Walmart as soon as this all started here. One is the same collection, but not a tiger scene!! Mine is called Sunken Treasure. My other is the same company, but the artist is Josephine Wall…and it’s a glitter addition. lol. It’s titled The Presence of Gaia. My stomach just clenches over the childhood bike wreck. I had way too many of those!! If I were a supermodel, my legs would not be insurable due to all the scars on my knees!! I love your patio. It looks so inviting. And of course Yogi is just adorbs! I’m glad you all are finding solace in simplicity. Stay well, Pam!! xx

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    1. ohhh, your puzzle sounds fab. Sean is getting burned out on puzzle building these days so I am flying solo – he does swoop in right at the end to put in the last piece. haha. The sunken treasure sounds like a fun one. You and me both on the scars – though they have now been replaced by knee wrinkles and age spots. LOL. We had several days of glorious sunny weather – we will soon be back to cold, snow and rain. It’ll be a good test of our mental stamina. have a wonderful Easter Amy!

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  12. Wonderful post, Pam! I love your description of life close to home and how it reminds you of childhood. Very true. The puzzle picture made me laugh and your dog is adorable! I’m glad you joined us!

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  13. I’m really appreciating the simple pleasures of life and slowing down these days. You gave me some good chuckles. I can so relate to living in the same clothes all day (and everyday)–most of them involving comfort and stretch. I initially turned my nose up when hubby came home with a Betty Crocker cake mix, but dear God was it ever satisfying! Stay safe and keep enjoying the simple things!

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    1. The only bad thing about stretch pants is, I can tell how much weight I’m gaining 😬. I am working out a bunch but nothing seems to me budging. Boo. Yeah, we rarely bake, but BC mixes are comforting right now! Glad you are finding a little joy these days too 💕


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